Feeding Your Miniature Horse

There’s a lot of feeding advice floating around the internet, and it can be hard to know what to believe. One person tells you one thing, while another emphatically tells you the opposite. Who do you believe?

This course isn’t going to tell you what to feed your horse.

Instead, it’s going to give you the knowledge and tools you need to be able to make the right choices for each horse, as an individual.


What’s Included?

Feeding Basics – The biggest lesson is the first one, packed full of information. How horses evolved to eat vs how we feed them now, and how we can narrow the gap. All about forage: what it is, what options are available, how much to feed, and why it’s so important. Grain, complete feed, extruded feed, textured feed – learn what the difference is, when to add supplemental feed, and how to decide. Supplements – what’s available and when are they needed. Salt and water – why they matter, and options for keeping them available. Building a ration – where to start and how to adjust to suit your horse. And when feeding doesn’t help – when to call the vet and investigate other concerns.

Body Condition Scoring – The importance of monitoring body condition, a standardized scale of evaluation, and the special consideration and challeges of determining BCS on a Miniature Horse.

Growing Horses – Babies need a lot of nutrition. Learn how to give them the feed they need to grow healthy and strong for a lifetime of soundness.

Broodmares – Growing a whole horse is hard work. Learn when their nutritional needs are highest, how to supplement them to keep them – and their foal! – healthy, and why you shouldn’t wean the foal based on the mare’s body condition.

Senior Horses – As horses age, they have different nutritional needs. Learn which health issues will change their nutritional needs, what to watch for, and how to adjust their diet accordingly.

Show Horses – Whether you want your horse looking their best in the halter ring, or with the energy to drive a marathon, you’ll have some different feeding considerations. Learn which feeds will benefit your situation, how to combat the stress of travel, and what feeding rules you should never break for the sake of a ribbon.

Health Concerns – Gastric ulcers, metabolic issues, laminitis – lots of health concerns will change how you feed your horse. Learn what to watch for, when to call the vet, and how to address the new feeding considerations.

Each module includes an in depth instructional video that you’ll be able to watch whenever and as many times as you’d like, with many also including demonstration videos. Easy downloadable links will allow you to save or print the slides, if you’d like, as well as the handy cheat sheets to help you determine how much forage your horse needs, how to determine their body condition score, and how to decide if they need additional feed.

Feeding Your Miniature Horse Overall rating: ★★★★★ 5 based on 3 reviews
5 1

5 5 1
So much easier to see than just read, thank you

5 5 1
Very informative and comprehensive course. The BCS tool is really useful. Since taking this course I've made at least one practical change in that I always make sure my horses have something in their stomachs (even if just a snack) before working them.

5 5 1
This course provides the basics, as well as the more advanced components of feeding different types of horses. Different age ranges and competing horses require different feeding ideas. Kendra explains all the details and demystifies some common errors of feeding. This course answers many questions about feeding that the novice owner has. It also provides a refresher for more experienced owners.

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