April Challenge

Spring is well on it’s way, the weather is improving (or bound to improve soon!) in many places, and I don’t know about you, but I’m getting very keen to get out and play with my horses!

So I thought, let’s all play together … virtually at least!

My challenge for you is to go do something fun with your Miniature Horses on 20 days in April, and share your adventures on social media with the hashtag #minifunchallenge – hopefully we’ll convince lots of people to join in and go play with their own Miniature Horses, and share with rest of the world just how much fun a Miniature Horse can be!

So what kinda fun are you going to get up to this month? I’m looking forward to playing in puddles, driving, working on obstacles and lots of scratching and grooming! Oh also it’ll be Easter, so I better dig out the bunny ears too!

Are you in? Let’s play!