An Old Friend

Tuesdays are my busy lesson day, and I’m on the road or teaching most of the day, but this past Tuesday, between lessons, I spotted an ad on Facebook.

It was like many other ads that appear on my Facebook feed every day, as I’m a member of many Miniature Horse groups. I usually pay little attention to the horses for sale ads, as I have all the beautiful horses I need, but this one caught my eye immediately.

The picture I saw in the ad wasn’t of just another horse, she was family.

I knew immediately that it was Icicle, though the ad said nothing about her registered name. We raised Icicle, I showed her as a young horse, and she raised three foals for us, one of which, Newman, still lives here with me. We sold her around 7 years ago, to a great home, one that showed her and loved her, and I’m not sure where her story went from there.

I took a screen shot of the ad and sent it to my family, and we all agreed – she had to come home.

The seller asked “are you sure it’s her?” and went hunting for the copy of her papers he’d gotten along with her, messaging me back later in the afternoon, “you were right, it is Circle J Icicle” – I was sure all along though, I would have known her little face anywhere!

The next afternoon Mom and I went to get her. The man who was selling her had bought her at auction, and while his kids had played with the pony they called “Poppy”, he’d sold her companion and with a lot of travel in their summer plans, decided it was best to let her go to a new home. She looked great! Healthy and happy with great feet. I’m glad she ended up with him, both because he did a great job looking after her, and because it worked out for her to come home to us!

There was only a copy of her papers with her, but I’m optimistic I’ll be able to track them down and get her paperwork sorted out. That’s a project for another day though; for now, what matters is that she’s here, she’s safe and she’s loved. Robin was so excited to see her, and still calls every morning when she goes out of the barn until Icicle comes to say hello. They would have raised foals together, but we also wonder if it is because Icicle looks so much like her dam, Super Star, who was Robin’s constant companion. We lost Super Star at just 20 years of age and we’re all enjoying having her look-alike daughter out in the herd again. Jamie, as well, has been glued to Icicle’s side ever since I introduced her to the herd. They’re just a year apart in age, so would have grown up together. It’s lovely to see those old friendships rekindle.

We’re so pleased that the stars aligned to bring Icicle home to us!